(apologies for the lousy image quality. I'll blame my 6 year old digital camera.)
The flake tool above was not chosen. It was not chosen to go on display at the Wild Horse Wind Farm Visitor's Center. Many others were, however, and I spent a chunk of time last week processing these objects for a loan. I will be sure to let you all know when the exhibit featuring our lithics is available for view. Speaking of view, the one from the visitor's center is incredible, if you ever find yourself in central Washington on a clear day.
In the meantime though, I've been taking photos, entering information in the database, and making sure our loan forms are up to snuff. Loaning material is a very formal affair in the museum world - we don't just stick in a box and hand it over; we have forms and documentation and reports. It may sound like a lot of work, but it's all part of making sure that both parties to the loan (the lender and the borrower) know exactly what's expected of each and so we can ensure the best care possible of the objects we are responsible for. Documentation, documentation, documentation!
It seems I haven't been very good about posting lately. I think that calls for the return of Friday Whatzits, don't you? Something to keep me on my toes and attending to this blog. I'll have to find something nifty for this week. See you Friday!